Worship services – Sundays and Wednesdays

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Sundays at St Peter’s

We have two services of Holy Communion each Sunday morning.
Holy Communion is also called Eucharist, Mass or the Lord’s Supper and has as its
focus a sharing of bread and wine, remembering Jesus who said, “Do this to remember me”.

7am: The beauty of the Anglican Liturgy from A Prayer Book for Australia:

Many people love this quiet, reflective service, rich in symbolism and sacredness, followed by raisin toast/toast in St Peter’s Café (in the hall).

9am Family Service: 

Join us for an engaging contemporary worship style, following the pattern of the Prayer Book for Australia and lively songs. A lively service that includes interaction and a children’s talk. There are two or three bible readings, hymns and songs are accompanied by piano or the organ. Followed by a yummy morning tea and fellowship.

2nd Sunday of each month 9am Intergenerational Service:

Join us for an interactive and community building service that includes a Bible Message, songs, prayers, symbolic activities and a take home activity to stimulate our faith in Christ to grow – all of God’s people together – youngest being newborn twins to the most mature being 102 years young.

An invitation from Rev Tania to all our young families

We extend a warm invitation to you and your children to join us at our services.
Our family service at 9am is probably the one you will be more relaxed in, although of course you are welcome at any of them. We know that it can be quite an effort to get the family ready on time, so don’t worry if you’re running late – we really appreciate your efforts! When you are here, children learn that their songs, their prayers, and their presence matter and we are all part of one worshipping community. The sounds of children in church are welcome – it means they’re here! Our children stay in the church with their families and are free to move around to the activity tables at the back – we’ve asked our children and they prefer it this way, rather than being sent off to “Sunday School” in another room. Children learn from seeing what the older generations do and model them. If you need a hand during the service, don’t be afraid to ask!

Our Wednesday weekday service at St Peter’s

Wednesday Holy Communion at 9.30am: A relaxed Communion service with hymns that is shorter than Sunday Services. For those who need a spiritual refuelling in the middle of the week or whose weekends are full, this is for you. Morning Tea and fellowship are after the service in St Peter’s Café (in the hall).