Welcome to Our Church
Loving God & Loving Others
Welcome to St Peter’s Anglican Church!
Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

So glad you’ve dropped by to check out our web site. Hope you can drop by in person to any of our Sunday services or advertised events.
We are situated right in the heart of our community and we are a welcoming community in how we make Jesus Christ known by actively seeking to Believe, Worship, Proclaim, Love, Serve and Grow in relationship with God and each other.
Our desire is for a developing love, care and reality with each other; for inclusion of all; that we live out what we believe; to be open to conversation and dialogue as we connect with the issues and needs of our community; we encourage each person to see and hear God revealed in Christ and progress in their own spiritual journey.
People who come to church at St Peter’s are a diverse lot.
Some are from families with school-aged children, some are people who work full-time or care for households, some are retirees. We are single and married, young and old. Our own experiences in life are so varied and that’s why we believe when we come together, we bring a rich foundation in growing and building each other up.
No matter who you are or where you are on your journey of life or faith, you are welcome at St Peter’s.
We look forward to welcoming you in person.
Peace be with you.
We acknowledge the Gubbi Gubbi people as the traditional owners of the land, and pay our respects to their elders; past, present and emerging.
Loving God, creator, redeemer, strengthener: enliven, guide and strengthen your Church in all you send us to do. By your Holy Spirit enable us to grow in faith, in service and in generous giving. Add to your Church new disciples that your saving, reconciling, recreating work may go forward, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
To know Christ and to make Him known
We come together to draw near to God in worship through prayer, praise, thanksgiving and the sharing of the Word and Sacraments. We seek to encourage all people to become more like Christ by providing opportunities for growth through prayer, Bible study, home groups, gift identification and leadership training.
Molding believers, influencing the world
St Peter’s Anglican Church Maroochydore promotes six key values: Proclaim, Worship, Believe, Serve, Grow and Love.
Molding believers, influencing the world
Our faith is grounded in our belief in one God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, as expressed in the Creeds of the Church. We believe in salvation by grace, the authority of Scripture, the power of prayer and the value of the sacraments.