Life’s Big Events: Baptism/Wedding/Funerals

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Dear Parents — Congratulations!

We join with you in thanking God for the gift of your child. This is indeed a busy and wonderful time in the life of your family.

Baptism is a simple ceremony of washing in water, practised by Christians since the time of Jesus. It is a sign of turning to God, and of faith in Jesus Christ. It is also a sign that Jesus gave us to show his love for us. This is mostly celebrated during our Sunday 9.30am service which is intergenerational.

Baptism is the church’s way of celebrating and naming the grace of God living in every one of God’s children. It is the way we welcome new members into the life of the universal community of faith. When a person comes seeking Baptism, he or she is asking to belong.

“Christening”, from the ancient word “christen”, mean “to make Christian”. God, like you, wants the best for your child.

The Church welcomes you and your child into its midst with love and prayers for the future peace and happiness of your family in the years ahead.

Things you need to know

Before organising a Baptism, you will need to think about who you want to have as sponsors or Godparents. Godparents of children have a very great responsibility as they promise to encourage your child in the life and faith of the Church helping you in building your child’s strong foundations of faith for life.

We pray that God will bless you and your family as you continue to grow and experience your faith journey with us.

To make an enquiry
If you have any questions or to organise a Baptism, please contact the Parish Office through our contact form or phone (07) 5443 2133.