Rev Tania writes: Two ideas that come together in this week’s readings are God’s Word and God’s Life – both of which are experienced through God’s Spirit. In Genesis, God’s word about the wrestling twins is seen to be true as their relationship works itself out as the two boys grow into men. God’s Word...
Sermon Category: <span>Sermons</span>
MESSAGE – Sixth Sunday After Pentecost – A – 9 July 2023
Rev Tania writes: Following on from last week’s focus on hospitality, the readings shift this week to Christ’s invitation, and our role in taking that invitation to the world. The challenge is that what is often thought of in terms of big words of ‘evangelism’, is, from this week’s readings, more about action and inclusion. ...
MESSAGE – Fifth Sunday After Pentecost – A – 2 July 2023
How is righteousness defined, and how does it connect with our relationship with God and one another? This seems to be the central question of this week in the readings. God’s infinite love and care for God’s people is both an invitation and a challenge. It is an invitation for us to embrace the hospitality...
MESSAGE – Fourth Sunday After Pentecost – A – 25 June 2023
Ordinary Time continues with a direct challenge for us to take the Reign of God seriously. Jesus asks us to follow the way of loving the Gospel above all things – including our own lives – and to give ourselves in service, sacrifice and simplicity in order to proclaim the message of God’s Reign through...
MESSAGE – Second Sunday after Pentecost – A – 11 June 2023
This Sunday we begin the season of Ordinary Time in which we shift focus from God’s story as taught and revealed in Christ to our story and how we will live as faithful Christ-followers. So, we begin this season the readings for this week, with a focus on faith and righteousness, challenging us to make...
MESSAGE – Trinity Sunday – A – 4 June 2023
MESSAGE 4 June – TRINITY SUNDAY – Year A tune of Frère Jacques God the Creator, God the Creator, God the Son, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, God the Holy Spirit, Three in One, Three in One. Experience and encounter. When we express our experience and encounter of God and then we name...
MESSAGE – Day of Pentecost – A – 28 May 2023
THEME: What does Pentecost – the coming of the Spirit mean to you, to us as a community, the Church, the world? Acts: the power given to the Church, responsibility for the Church to come together – unity – that they may be one!! The Spirit is what Jesus gives us! Friendship, companionship with us...
MESSAGE – Seventh Sunday of Easter – A – 21 May 2023
HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? THEME: Glory – how do we show the presence of God? How do we make visible the presence of God? Revealing God’s glory. Revealing the glory of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I also love the image of eternal life as ‘knowing’ God. And this...
MESSAGE – Sixth Sunday of Easter – A – 14 May 2023
HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? This week flows beautifully – and challengingly – from last week. The assurance that was explored through the readings in Easter 5A is found this week in the promise of God’s abiding presence. God’s presence continues in an attitude of comfort, emphasising God’s nearness and...
MESSAGE – Fifth Sunday of Easter – A – 7 May 2023
HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? One of the biggest questions we must face as followers of Christ is that of how our faith interacts with the crises in our world, and our engagement with them. The reality is that we live in a world of struggling and sorrow and of...