MESSAGE: 15th Sunday after PENTECOST B 5th September 2021 THEMES: Authentically living out our faith – what is at the heart of God? Care for the poor. Tell me how you are rich and I will tell you how I am poor Tell me how you are poor and I will tell you how I...
Sermon Category: <span>Sermons</span>
MESSAGE – 14th Sunday After Pentecost – 29th August 2021
MESSAGE: 14th Sunday after PENTECOST B 29th August 2021 THEMES: Reigniting the Passion When you hear the word, Passion – what do you think of? When you hear Reigniting the Passion of God – what do you think of? Luscious imagery unites the passage from Song of Solomon with the psalm this week. We smell...
MESSAGE – 13th Sunday After Pentecost – 22nd August 2021
This week is all about choices. On the one hand there is the choice to abandon our devotion to God and God’s ways. In the Gospel, many of Jesus’ followers find his call to be completely united with him – to believe that he is the source of life and to take him into their...
MESSAGE – 12th Sunday After Pentecost – 15th August 2021
THEMES: God’s provision and seeking his Wisdom How do we deal with those who oppose us, both within our families and among our enemies? When someone who has betrayed us or attacked us dies, how do we respond? Outside of God’s Reign we may feel that we are justified in retaliating against our opponents. We...
MESSAGE – 11th Sunday After Pentecost – 8th August 2021
Rev Tania writes: This week in the Lectionary readings offer together a variety of differing elements. In the ongoing saga of David’s Reign we jump forward to the rebellion led by his son Absalom, and to Absalom’s death. Once again, we find David grieving an enemy, although this time he grieves as a father as...
MESSAGE – 10th Sunday After Pentecost – 1st August 2021
Rev Tania writes: Following on from last week, the Lectionary continues to call us to faith. This week the challenge is to recognise that faith in God’s grace and abundance must lead us to action – to generosity and sharing of what we have received, be it gifts or resources. Essentially we cannot claim to...
MESSAGE – 9th Sunday After Pentecost – 25 July 2021
MESSAGE: 9th Sunday after PENTECOST B 25th July 2021 THEMES: Today’s readings are full of apparent contradictions: faith and sin acceptance and rejection strength and weakness fullness and emptiness. Yet every shameful deed lamented by the psalmist is offset by God’s deliverance. If King David was truly that same psalmist, who could know this truth...
MESSAGE – 8th Sunday After Pentecost – 18 July 2021
MESSAGE: 8th Sunday after PENTECOST B 18th July 2021 THEMES: The House of God and the Good Shepherd – these are the two ideas that combine to challenge and inspire us in this week’s Lectionary. In a world where so many of us seek to domesticate God to our own agendas, the Scriptures reveal a...
MESSAGE – 7th Sunday After Pentecost – 11 July 2021
2 Samuel 6 Maroochydore Anglican 11th July 2021. 7:00am service. By Rev P van’t Spyker of BCA Big Question: How does God’s presence affect people? Big Idea: God’s Kingdom advances bringing blessing and cursing to how people treat his presence. God’s Ark arrives in Jerusalem with great rejoicing and celebration is at home among his...
MESSAGE – 6th Sunday After Pentecost – 4 July 2021
MESSAGE: 6th Sunday after PENTECOST B 4th July 2021 THEMES: Fully Rely on God – FROG 2 Samuel 5:1-5,9,10 David becomes king over Israel Psalm 48: Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised (in the city of our God) 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Paul boasts of his weaknesses Mark 6:1-13 Jesus rejected in his...