These readings for the second Sunday in Lent are deeply interconnected by themes of faith, covenant, promise, and perseverance in the face of challenges. Together, they invite us to trust God’s promises, reflect on the journey of faith, and act with courage and purpose in our own lives. This week’s readings draw together a mix...
Sermon Category: <span>Sermons</span>
SERMON – First Sunday in Lent – C
As we embark on this journey through Lent, let us take a moment to reflect on its deeper meaning in our lives. Lent is often associated with self-denial and giving up certain pleasures, but it is essential to remember that this season is not about self-denial for its own sake. Instead, it is an opportunity...
SERMON – Transfiguration – C
As Epiphany draws to a close the Scriptures turn, as usual, to the Transfiguration of Jesus. There are so many ways to approach this mysterious and wondrous narrative, but I would like to focus on the power of the transfiguration to give Jesus the hope and courage to face the cross and to draw us...
SERMON – Seventh Sunday After Epiphany – C
THEME: Love others the way that you would like to be loved Today, we reflect on how we are called to treat others and the extent of God’s love, guided by our readings from Genesis 45:3-11, 45:15; 1 Corinthians 15:35-50; and Luke 6:27-38. Today’s scriptures ask us to consider how we treat others and affirm...
SERMON – Sixth Sunday After Epiphany – C
The central theme of all of the readings this week is the contrast between those who follow God’s ways and those who don’t. How we choose to live has consequences. We have been given, in the Scriptures and in Christ’s example, a picture of the kind of life that brings about greater wholeness and joy...
SERMON – Fifth Sunday After Epiphany – C
This week’s readings encourage us to decide what to do with God’s invitational and confrontational grace—two strong themes emerge. The first is that God calls women and men to follow God’s alternative way of being, and to share the Gospel with others. In Isaiah, we read the famous call story. The Psalmist is confident that...
SERMON – The Presentation of Christ in the Temple – C
The main theme of this week’s readings during Epiphany is the revelation of Jesus’ identity and mission as he is presented and dedicated in the temple. Malachi 3:1-4: This passage speaks of the coming of the Lord to His temple, where He will purify and refine His people like a refiner’s fire and a launderer’s...
SERMON – Third Sunday After Epiphany – C
The readings this week offer a range of options for themes. There is the word of God, revealed in creation and through the book of the law. There is the mission of Christ proclaimed in his reading of the scroll from Isaiah. And there is the call for us to be the body of Christ,...
SERMON – Second Sunday After Epiphany – C
The readings for this week in the Lectionary carry themes of love, caring, marriage, and the gifts that are always given when love is present. The possibilities for exploring how Jesus is revealed in love, and in us when we love, are very exciting. God’s love for God’s people, and God’s commitment to care for...
SERMON – Baptism Of Our Lord – Year C
THEME: The main theme connecting these readings is the invitation to participate in baptism and receive God’s Spirit, emphasizing the transformative power of this sacrament and the commitment it entails. Isaiah 43.1–7: This passage reassures God’s people of His unwavering love and protection. It highlights that they are called by name and belong to Him. This...