THEME: “Awakening to Purpose: A Call to preparation and readiness” Human Experience – fear and inaction So, what is the common theme that holds these passages together? I believe it is the theme of preparation and readiness. Deborah was prepared to answer God’s call, the Thessalonians were encouraged to be ready for the second coming...
Archives: <span>Sermons</span>
MESSAGE – Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 12 November 2023
THEME: Choice, commitment and rediness The common theme that unites Joshua 24:1-38, 1 Thessalonians 4:9-18, and Matthew 25:1-13 is the idea of choice, commitment and readiness. In Joshua 24:1-38, Joshua challenges the Israelites to choose whom they will serve: God or idols. It’s about making a deliberate commitment to follow the Lord and to...
MESSAGE – Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 5 November 2023
THEME: Following the Path of Humility and Faith: The Mission of the Church” What is the Good News today from the book of Joshua, the letter to the Thessalonians, and the Gospel of Matthew. In these passages, we find a common theme of humility, faith, and the call to lead by example. Let us explore...
MESSAGE – Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 29 October 2023
How has your walk with God changed you? Different seasons, changes in our lives lead us to mature in Christ – not only grow older, but grow into Christ. Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Moses’ story ends with God showing him the Promised Land even though Moses would “not cross over there.” Of course, there is profound grief...
MESSAGE – Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 22 October 2023
In all this week’s readings we are reminded of the profound importance of seeking God’s glory and relying on His presence to guide us in our interactions with the world. Moses, in Exodus, sought the Lord’s presence and guidance. In 1 Thessalonians, the community’s faith and love shone as a testament to God’s glory. And...
MESSAGE – Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 15 October 2023
This week’s reading are a bit startling, perhaps even shocking, at first glance. The shock is found in the rather violent way that God’s judgement is portrayed, especially in Jesus’ parable. However, this image must be placed in context with another theme that also emerges from the readings this week – that of inclusive welcome....
MESSAGE – Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 8 October 2023
MESSAGE 8th October – 19th Sunday after PENTECOST – Year A THEME: The law of God is love Title: “Jesus: Our Cornerstone of Love by the Power of the Spirit” Today we explore a powerful theme that runs through our readings from Exodus, Philippians, and Matthew. It’s the theme of Jesus being our cornerstone of...
MESSAGE – Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost – Year A – 1 October 2023
By who’s authority? God’s authority! Matthew describes a moment of confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders, in which two questions are raised – where Jesus’ authority originates, and who is finding their way into God’s Kingdom. The water image becomes a captivating one for this week’s worship – because like water that flows into...
MESSAGE – Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost – A – 24 September 2023
MESSAGE 24 September – Seventeenth Sunday after PENTECOST – Year A THEME: God’s generosity That’s no way to run a vineyard Jesus! No one is going to show up tomorrow morning at 9am if you keep doing this. The full day workers their complaint isn’t – you are cheap? It isn’t we want more....
MESSAGE – Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost – A – 17 September 2023
How have we been Church in the last week? Where have we proclaimed the love, hope, forgiveness and mercy of Jesus? Who are we wearing? To know Christ and make him known. What does living together look like? We are encouraged from this week’s Gospel in Knowing and living out the power of forgiveness. “Everyone...