Sermon Notes for Sunday 11th November 2018

Sermon Notes for Sunday 11th November 2018

Lord of Light, shine upon these words the very truth of your being, that we may read and be brought into deeper relationship with you.  Amen. Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17. Naomi instructs Ruth to approach Boaz, which she does. Boaz takes Ruth to be his wife, and she bears a son called Obed – David’s grandfather. Psalm...

Sermon Notes for Sunday 28th. October 2018

Sermon Notes for Sunday 28th. October 2018

Lord of Light, shine upon these words the very truth of your being, that we may read and be brought into deeper relationship with you.  Amen. Job 42:1-6, 10-17. Job recognises that he had spoken without knowledge, and that he has now encountered God. Then God blesses Job beyond the prosperity he had at first. OR...

Sermon Notes for Sunday 16th. September 2018

Sermon Notes for Sunday 16th. September 2018

Proverbs 1:20-33. Wisdom cries out in public for the crowd to turn away from their foolishness, but, in spite of the invitation, the people have refused to listen. So, they will receive no help when disaster comes, but those who obey will be protected. Psalm 19. Creation proclaims God’s glory, and the Psalmist celebrates God’s...

Sermon Notes for Sunday 9th September 2018

Sermon Notes for Sunday 9th September 2018

Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23. A good reputation is of great value. God made both rich and poor, and those who are unjust will not survive, while those who are generous find happiness. God defends the poor and will stand against those who oppress them. Psalm 125. A prayer of confidence in God’s care and protection...