Sermon notes for Sunday the 18th. August 2019.

Sermon notes for Sunday the 18th. August 2019.

BIBLE READINGS. Isaiah 5:1-7. A metaphorical prophecy of judgement against Israel and Judah, pictured as God’s vineyard, for their lack of justice. Psalm 80:1-2, 8-19. A Psalm of repentance for abandoning God, and praying for God to once again tend and protect God’s people as a vineyard that is well cared for. Hebrews 11:29-12:2. A...

Sermon notes for Sunday the 11th August 2019.

Sermon notes for Sunday the 11th August 2019.

Bible Readings. Isaiah 1:1, 10-20. Isaiah prophesies against God’s people, expressing God’s displeasure at their worship and sacrifices while injustice remains among them. God invites the people to repent and confess, and if they do, God promises to cleanse and restore them. Psalm 50:1-8, 23-24. God comes in judgement on God’s people, inviting them to...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 4th. of August 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 4th. of August 2019.

BIBLE READINGS. Hosea 11:1-11. Judgement is prophesied for Israel because of the people’s idolatry and un-faithfulness, but God’s compassion and love for God’s people makes judgement difficult for God, and so restoration is also promised. Psalm 107:1-9, 43. Praise for God’s unfailing love, and God’s salvation of God’s people when in distress. The history of...

Sermon notes for Sunday the 28th July 2019.

Sermon notes for Sunday the 28th July 2019.

BIBLE READINGS. Hosea 1:2-10. God instructs Hosea to marry a prostitute, and give his children names that prophesy God’s judgement on Israel, but also God’s ultimate restoration. Psalm 85. A song in celebration of God’s grace and forgiveness, and God’s blessing in restoring God’s people. Colossians 2:6-15. Paul encourages believers to sink their roots deep...

Sermon notes for Sunday the 21st July 2019.

Sermon notes for Sunday the 21st July 2019.

Bible Readings, Amos 8:1-12. Amos sees a vision of a basket of ripe fruit, which God explains indicates that Israel is ripe for judgement. Amos then prophesies God’s judgement against the corruption of God’s people, and the famine of hearing God’s word that is to come. Psalm 52. David speaks words of judgement against Doeg,...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 7th. July 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 7th. July 2019.

2 Kings 5:1-14. Elisha is visited by Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram, who has a serious skin disease. He instructs him through a messenger to wash himself seven times in the Jordan, which, after some complaining, Naaman does, and Psalm 30. David celebrates God’s deliverance, healing and mercy, and...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 30th. June 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 30th. June 2019.

2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14. Elijah is taken up to heaven and Elisha receives his cloak and his spirit. Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20. The Psalmist cries out to God, remembering God’s miraculous work in saving Israel through Moses and Aaron. Galatians 5:1, 13-25. Christ gives us freedom, but not as an excuse to engage in destructive behaviour....

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 23rd. June 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 23rd. June 2019.

Bible Readings. 1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a. God instructs Elijah to go to Mount Sinai, and comes to him there. At Elijah’s cave he experiences wind, earthquake and fire, but God’s voice is only heard in the whisper that follows. In spite of his fear at the threats against his life, God leads him back...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 16th June 2019 (Trinity Sunday)

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 16th June 2019 (Trinity Sunday)

Bible Readings. Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31. Wisdom sings of being with God at the creation of the world,and of humanity. Psalm 8. A song of God’s majesty, and the honour God has given to humanity. Romans 5:1-5. In Christ, God has given us peace and a place of privilege, and has also strengthened us by giving...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 9th June 2019. Pentecost

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 9th June 2019. Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21. The believers are filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and they start to praise God in various languages. Psalm 104:26-36. The world and all its creatures depend on God for provision and breath – which leads the Psalmist to commit to praise God. Romans 8:14-17. God has given us...