Sermon Notes for Sunday the 1st. December 2019. (Advent 1)

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 1st. December 2019. (Advent 1)

Bible Readings. Isaiah 2:1-5. A prophecy of the days when all people will seek to learn God’s ways,and God will teach them justice and peace; and an invitation to walk in God’s light. Psalm 122. A song of celebration for Jerusalem, the place of worship, the place where God’s people are taught and led by...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 24th. November 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 24th. November 2019.

Bible Readings. Jeremiah 23:1-6. A prophecy of judgement on the unrighteous rulers of God’s people, and a promise of a new, righteous leader from David’s line. Luke 1:68-79.: Zechariah’s song proclaiming God’s fulfilment of the promise to send a righteous ruler from David’s line, and celebrating his son, John, as God’s prophet. Colossians 1:11-20. In...

Sermon notes for Sunday the 17th. November 2019.

Sermon notes for Sunday the 17th. November 2019.

Bible Readings. Isaiah 65:17-25. Isaiah’s vision of a new heaven and new earth, a place where God dwells, and where all people enjoy prosperity, health, well-being and long life. Isaiah 12. A promise that a time is coming when God’s people will call on God and be delivered, when they will praise God for God’s goodness...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 10th. November 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 10th. November 2019.

Bible Readings. Haggai 1:15b-2:9. God comforts the returning exiles as they grieve the loss of former glory, and face the reality of a new, simpler, less prosperous and glamorous life. God’s presence is assured and a future glory is offered as comfort and inspiration. Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21. God is worthy of praise, fair and faithful,...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 3rd. November 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 3rd. November 2019.

Readings. Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4. Habakkuk complains to God that justice is perverted and God’s help does not come, but then, as he waits for God’s answer, God’s word comes to him offering him a vision of the downfall of the proud and the vibrant life of the righteous. Psalm 119:137-144. The psalmist celebrates God’s regulations,...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 27th. October 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 27th. October 2019.

Joel 2:23-32. God promises restoration from the judgement (what the locusts have eaten) and the outpouring of God’s Spirit on all of God’s sons and daughters. Psalm 65. Praise for the God who answers prayer, who forgives sin, who formed the earth and who sends rain to bring an abundant harvest. 2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18. Paul...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 20th. October 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 20th. October 2019.

Bible Readings. Jeremiah 31:27-34. Where do you see God making good on the promise of a renewed, intimate relationship with you? With the Church? With the world? Psalm 119:97-104. How are you patterning your life around God’s way of love? 2 Timothy 3:10-4:5. How has the good news of the Resurrection been passed on to...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 13th. October 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 13th. October 2019.

Bible Readings. Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7. Jeremiah encourages the exiles in Babylon to settle into their new country, to build homes and lives there among the Babylonian people and to work for the prosperity of their new land. Psalm 66:1-11. A call for all the earth to praise the God who rules over all, and for...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 6th. October 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 6th. October 2019.

Bible Readings. Lamentations 1:1-6. While Jerusalem has been devastated and the people of Judah have been conquered – their former glory and pride lost in their humiliation, God remains compassionate, God’s mercies are new every day, and those who remain can continue to wait for God’s salvation. Psalm 137. A Psalm of grief for the...

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 29th. September 2019.

Sermon Notes for Sunday the 29th. September 2019.

READINGS to help us prepare for this Sunday: Lord of Light, shine upon these words the very truth of your being, that we may read and be brought into deeper relationship with you.  Amen. Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15. In spite of his prophecies of the destruction of Judah, Jeremiah buys his cousin’s field and proclaims God’s word...