ASK QUESTION: The Kingdom of God is? Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52, Romans 8 Unexpected, unseen, perhaps subversive. The Kingdom of Heaven disrupts. The Kingdom of Heaven is not about business as usual, but is about a new economy of God’s justice that doesn’t make sense to the way of the world. At hand. Found in ordinary...
Archives: <span>Sermons</span>
THE MESSAGE – Sunday 19th July 2020 – 7th Sunday after Pentecost (by the Rev’d Kathrin Koning)
Matthew 13, 24-30 + 36-43 Dear friends, Recently, I delved deeper into BIOTOPES. Have you come across that concept? I’m not surprised if you haven’t because in English-speaking countries the word HABITAT is the more usual descriptor; and we all know what a habitat is: the living conditions or the place that a given species...
SERMON 12th July 2020
Rev Tania writes: Two ideas that come together in this week’s readings are God’s Word and God’s Life – both of which are experienced through God’s Spirit. In Genesis, God’s word about the wrestling twins is seen to be true as their relationship works itself out as the two boys grow into men. In Psalm...
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 19th. January 2020.
Bible Readings. Isaiah 49:1-7. Isaiah’s second servant song seems to refer to both an individual and to the nation of Israel. Either way the message is clear – the work is hard and leads to mockery and rejection, but God will make God’s servant a light to the nations and will ultimately bring the servant...
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 12th. January 2020.
Bible Readings. Isaiah 42:1-9. A prophecy of God’s coming servant, who fulfils God’s promise, and who will bring justice and comfort. Psalm 29. An exhortation for the heavenly beings to give glory to God, for God’s mighty, majestic voice Acts 10:34-43. Peter preaches about the Jesus who was baptised by John and empowered by God’s...
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 5th. January 2020.
Bible Readings. Isaiah 60:1-6. The light of God’s glory and God’s goodness shines on God’s people. Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14. A prayer for God’s love of justice to fill God’s king, who will then defend the poor and rescue the oppressed. Ephesians 3:1-12. In Christ both Jews & Gentiles enjoy the riches of God’s blessings. Matthew...
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 29th. December 2019.
Isaiah 63:7-9. A Psalm of praise for God’s love for God’s people, and God’s deliverance and mercy which carries them. Psalm 148. A call for creation to praise God, for God’s glory is over all, and God uplifts and strengthens God’s people. Hebrews 2:10-18. Through Jesus, who became human, like us, and who was tempted,...
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 22nd. December 2019. (Advent 4)
Bible Readings. Isaiah 7:10-16. God promises a sign for King Ahaz, who is looking to Assyria for assistance with the threats of neighbouring Damascus and Samaria, that a virgin will give birth and call the child “Immanuel”, and that the enemy nations will be desolate before the child knows good from evil. Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19....
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 15th. December 2019. (Advent 3)
Bible Readings. Isaiah 35:1-10. God’s promise to restore God’s people, creating a land of peace and prosperity for them, and providing a safe and sure way for them to return home,guaranteeing their arrival in God’s Zion where they will find gladness, joy and peace. Luke 1:46b-55. Mary’s song of praise to the God who has...
Sermon Notes for Sunday the 8th. December 2019. (Advent 2)
Bible Readings. Isaiah 11:1-10. Isaiah proclaims the coming of the “shoot from the stump of Jesse”who, through God’s Spirit resting on him, will bring peace, justice, righteousness and equity to the earth. Psalm 72:1-7, 18-21. A prayer for the King to rule wisely and justly, protecting the weak and vulnerable and refreshing the world and...