
Message – 3rd Sunday in Lent 7th March 2021 Rev Tania

THEMES: The story of God’s saving revelation is at the heart of the lectionary readings. God’s gift of the law, and the value of God’s law which brings wisdom. In the Old Testament the Lectionary has chosen the giving of the Ten Commandments to Israel. The Ten Commandments in Exodus lifts up God’s gift of...


MESSAGE – 28th February 2021 – Rev Tania Eichler

This week the readings remind us of the toughest part of responding to the call of Jesus. In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “When Jesus calls a person to follow him, he calls that person to come and die.” The paradox of the Gospel that is highlighted this week, though, is that it is in...


MESSAGE – Sunday 14th February 2021

MESSAGE – 14th February 2021 last Sunday Epiphany/Transfiguration Sunday TRANSFIGURATION – Transfiguration is an occasion of wonder and awe over the revelation of the person of God in Jesus Christ. THEMES: Transition and Transformation The Church Calendar is soon to change again. From our current season after the Epiphany, we will soon be embarking on...


MESSAGE – Sunday 7th February 2021

MESSAGE – 7th February 2021 5th Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 40:21–31 Those who wait upon God shall renew their strength. Psalm 147:1–11, 20c God heals the broken-hearted. 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 I have become all things to all people for the gospel’s sake. Mark 1:29–39 Simon’s mother-in-law and many others healed. To Ponder When have you...


MESSAGE – Sunday 31st January Epiphany 4

Two themes: Knowledge and Authority Knowledge — not just what we know, but who we know (Jesus Christ and others) — focuses today’s readings. The danger, as these texts make clear, is that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. “Anyone who does not heed the words that the prophet shall speak in my...


MESSAGE – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 24th January 2021

MESSAGE – 24th January 2021 3rd Sunday after Epiphany   This week the Scriptures invite us to consider a rather radical idea—that God seeks to include us in what God is doing in the world! It’s not just that God is involved in our lives, or that God sometimes steps in to bring salvation to...


MESSAGE – The Baptism of our Lord Sunday 10th January 2021

The moment of baptism for Jesus is an important turning point in his life. It marks the start of his public ministry, but also tells us a lot more about Jesus than we may realise at first. John’s baptism was about confession of sin and receiving forgiveness. Since Jesus was without sin, he had no...


MESSAGE – 27th December 2020 1st Sunday after Christmas

Christmas Blessings to you all. May God bless you Jesus’ presence of HOPE, PEACE, JOY AND LOVE – with the kind of Christmas Gifts that never, never end. This year the first Sunday after Christmas is a celebration of the moment when Jesus was presented in the Temple. Simeon’s prophecy over the baby is a...