Christ is Risen! The Easter celebration continues with the familiar upper room appearances from John’s Gospel. But, this year the supporting texts highlight a feature of the resurrection that can easily be missed – the way Christ’s resurrection brings us into a unified, loving community in which we share joy and abundant life together. This,...
Archives: <span>Sermons</span>
Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! This is the greeting that will echo across the world today, as it has for centuries since that first Easter Sunday morning. Today is the day that we have been moving towards since the start of Advent at the end of November, and it is the day that...
On this Palm/Passion Sunday the Passion Gospel is only the Gospel reading that changes each year for the Liturgy of the Passion, and the essential elements of the story remain the same with the other Gospels. The invitation for this Sunday is to meditate on the passion – the self-giving – of Christ, and allow...
MESSAGE – Sunday 14th March 2021 4th Sunday in Lent
It’s a week of looking up. For the Israelites in the wilderness, it was looking up at a bronze snake that would open them to God’s healing from the poisonous snakes in their camp. For Nicodemus it was looking up at the Christ who promised that when he was lifted up he would draw all...
Message – 3rd Sunday in Lent 7th March 2021 Rev Tania
THEMES: The story of God’s saving revelation is at the heart of the lectionary readings. God’s gift of the law, and the value of God’s law which brings wisdom. In the Old Testament the Lectionary has chosen the giving of the Ten Commandments to Israel. The Ten Commandments in Exodus lifts up God’s gift of...
MESSAGE – 28th February 2021 – Rev Tania Eichler
This week the readings remind us of the toughest part of responding to the call of Jesus. In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “When Jesus calls a person to follow him, he calls that person to come and die.” The paradox of the Gospel that is highlighted this week, though, is that it is in...
MESSAGE – 1st Sunday in Lent – 21st February 2021 – The Rev Kathrin Koning
St Peter’s Anglican Church, Maroochydore – 21 February 2021 (Lent 1B) Mark 1, 9-15 Dear Friends, As I read and worked with today’s Gospel text, I couldn’t help but think: the writer of Mark is not one for many words; but this author does evoke one picture after another in the mind of the reader....
MESSAGE – Sunday 14th February 2021
MESSAGE – 14th February 2021 last Sunday Epiphany/Transfiguration Sunday TRANSFIGURATION – Transfiguration is an occasion of wonder and awe over the revelation of the person of God in Jesus Christ. THEMES: Transition and Transformation The Church Calendar is soon to change again. From our current season after the Epiphany, we will soon be embarking on...
MESSAGE – Sunday 7th February 2021
MESSAGE – 7th February 2021 5th Sunday after Epiphany Isaiah 40:21–31 Those who wait upon God shall renew their strength. Psalm 147:1–11, 20c God heals the broken-hearted. 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 I have become all things to all people for the gospel’s sake. Mark 1:29–39 Simon’s mother-in-law and many others healed. To Ponder When have you...