THEMES: Prayer of the day captures the theme: O Christ for whom we search, our help when help has failed: give us courage to expose our need and ask to be made whole, that, being touched by you, we may be raised to new life in the power of your name. Amen. Today’s texts address...
Archives: <span>Sermons</span>
MESSAGE – 4th Sunday After Pentecost – 20 June 2021
How do we understand power? How do we use power effectively and creatively? The question of authority speaks through all of the readings this week, including both the Gospel and its related readings and the continuous Old Testament passage. The journey of David continues in the continuous Old Testament narrative. After last weeks’ account of...
MESSAGE – 3rd Sunday After Pentecost – 13 June 2021
MESSAGE: 3rd Sunday after PENTECOST B 13th June 2021 THEMES: Walk by Faith, not by sigh; see things how God sees them These are three phrases (or texts) which stand out for me from the Lectionary readings: 1 Samuel 16:7 – “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because...
MESSAGE – 2nd Sunday After Pentecost – 6 June 2021
The first Sunday in Kingdomtide starts the second half of the year with a rather direct challenge to our allegiances. The same theme seems to come through – where do we place our allegiance, and to whom do we give our obedience and devotion. In the Samuel reading, which marks the start of the monarchy...
MESSAGE – Trinity Sunday – 30 May 2021
THEMES: When you think of the Trinity, Triune God, what comes to mind? Union, Community, One This Sunday is the last in the first half of the Church Calendar. From November to June we journey through the events of Christ’s human life and explore the meaning of the God who became flesh, and the Reign...
MESSAGE – Day of Pentecost – Last Sunday of Easter – 23 May 2021
THEMES: PENTECOST – Holy Spirit Celebrating Pentecost Sunday provides the occasion for us to recognise God’s Holy Spirit at work in the life of the church and in the lives of individuals. Where we have noticed the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Take a moment to become still as you become aware of...
MESSAGE – 7th Sunday of Easter – 16 May 2021
Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! THEMES: Unity and Community The heart of Jesus: “That they all may be one” Sure enough this is good timing for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – better together! As the Easter season draws to a close, the final challenge of this part of the Lectionary,...
MESSAGE – 6th Sunday of Easter – 9 May 2021
Rev Tania writes: Again the readings continue with the call to live a life of sacrificial love in order to know and share the resurrection. This week the “one another” that we are called to love expands in radical and universal ways, leaving us with no excuse for any refusal to love, and inviting us...
MESSAGE – 5th Sunday of Easter – 2 May 2021
Sermon by Rev Mike Uptin of Bush Church Aid: Click link to open PDF of the sermon notes: 5thSundayOfEaster_BCA visitRevMikeUptin_02May2021_YearB
MESSAGE – 4th Sunday of Easter – 25 April 2021
Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! The fourth Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday, and each year the scripture readings include the twenty-third Psalm and a reading from John 10, describing Jesus as the Good Shepherd. The image of Jesus assures us that we are known and cared for. In Acts, Peter affirms...