Once again the question of repentance and forgiveness is highlighted in the Lectionary. This time, there are two complimentary emphases in the readings. The first is the need to face our own darkness, greed, fear and empty worship, confess it and receive God’s forgiveness for ourselves. Habakkuk reflects God’s displeasure at lovelessness and faithlessness, and...
Archives: <span>Sermons</span>
MESSAGE – Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 23 October 2022
The lectionary this week seems to turn back to pretty mainline theological territory – the need for forgiveness, and the necessity for repentance in order to know and receive God’s grace. Somehow it’s not easy to admit our brokenness or its impact on others. It takes humility to acknowledge how we need to change to...
MESSAGE – Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 16 October 2022
THEME: PRAYER CHANGES LIVES What is prayer? Why pray? How do we grow our relationship with God? Word and prayer How do you pray – when do you pray? Persistence, prayer and being open to the coming of God’s presence into our lives to write God’s law on our hearts – these are some of...
MESSAGE – Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 9 October 2022
THEME: Jesus loves a thankful heart The simple things: Teaching children and reminding some adults the simple things of PLEASE and THANK YOU “Your faith has made you well” Wasn’t the Samaritan already made well? There is a difference between “being cured” and being “made well” It was not his faith in the healing power...
MESSAGE – Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 2 October 2022
2 Timothy 1:1-14 Maroochydore Anglican Church 2nd October 2022 Big question – What does God give so we can live as Christians? Big Idea: God gives faith, the spirit and grace so we might life the Christian life. Heavenly Father, Help me to teach the Bible properly. Help us to believe it and...
MESSAGE – Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 25 September 2022
THEME: Our attitudes toward, and our use of, money We can trust God in all circumstances and with all aspects of our lives. In the midst of enemy occupation and on the brink of exile, the prophet Jeremiah trusts that God has a promising future for the Hebrew people and their homeland. A seemingly irrational...
MESSAGE – Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 18 September 2022
THEME: The Merciful Master and his Shred Manager Stewardship runs through today’s readings. How we manage our time, talents, gifts, and service matters, for all that we have and enjoy in this life are gifts from God. Stewardship is, after all, a kingdom activity. Jeremiah implores us to hear the cry of the poor. The...
MESSAGE – Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 11 September 2022
THEME: Jesus has a heart for the LOST Joyful – relationships are being restored. God encounters great joy in seeing the human family flourish. The Gospel reading this week speaks of the joy when lost things are found. Jesus used the image of a lost sheep and a lost coin to describe the joy in God’s...
MESSAGE – Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 4 September 2022
MESSAGE: Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost 4 September 2022 THEME: The demands of discipleship – take up your cross Imagination: What do you think of when you hear the word SPRING? What do you think of when you hear the word Disciple/Following Jesus? A few weeks back we have been seeing in the Scriptures of knowing...
MESSAGE – Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost – C – 28 August 2022
One word, perhaps, sum up the Lectionary readings this week: humility. In the face of a culture in which we are all encouraged to ‘value ourselves’, to ‘reach for what we want’ and to ‘not let anyone stop us’, this can be a difficult, even ridiculous, word. To claim that true, vibrant, authentic life is...