HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? THEME: Glory – how do we show the presence of God? How do we make visible the presence of God? Revealing God’s glory. Revealing the glory of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I also love the image of eternal life as ‘knowing’ God. And this...
Archives: <span>Sermons</span>
MESSAGE – Sixth Sunday of Easter – A – 14 May 2023
HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? This week flows beautifully – and challengingly – from last week. The assurance that was explored through the readings in Easter 5A is found this week in the promise of God’s abiding presence. God’s presence continues in an attitude of comfort, emphasising God’s nearness and...
MESSAGE – Fifth Sunday of Easter – A – 7 May 2023
HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? One of the biggest questions we must face as followers of Christ is that of how our faith interacts with the crises in our world, and our engagement with them. The reality is that we live in a world of struggling and sorrow and of...
MESSAGE – Fourth Sunday of Easter – A – 30 April 2023
THEME: ABUNDANT LIFE – ALL OUR NEEDS are met HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! How are we living the resurrection? This week the readings offers a wonderful and rich connection of ideas. In this season of the resurrection, the life of Christ is still uppermost in our minds, and Jesus’ promise that he has come to...
MESSAGE – Third Sunday of Easter – A – Sunday 23 April 2023
MESSAGE 23 April 3rd Sunday of EASTER Year A THEME: Response and Revealed GOSPEL = Good News leads us to respond, how? HAPPY EASTER IN YOU! Easter is a verb. How are we living the resurrection? How have we and how are we responding? God’s life and grace, and the gift of resurrection,...
MESSAGE – Second Sunday of Easter – A – Sunday 16 April 2023
MESSAGE 16 April 2023 – Second Sunday of EASTER Year A THEME: Jesus, our living hope! Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Alleluia. Happy EASTER in you! Easter is not over! While we celebrated Easter Sunday last week, the fifty day Easter Season continues until Pentecost Sunday. During this time, the Lectionary invites us...
MESSAGE – Easter Day – A – Sunday 9 April 2023
THEME: Resurrected Life – come Jesus, Easter in us!! Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Alleluia. The Christian celebration of Easter invites us into the heart of the mystery of love. L-O-V-E love that’s why. We call it the paschal mystery of our faith – the dying and rising of Christ, showing us a...
MESSAGE – Palm Sunday – A – 2 April 2023
THEME: Hosanna, Crucify Him This last Sunday in Lent heralds the triumphal entry into Jerusalem with Jesus the liberator. This Sunday also ushers in the beginning of Holy Week and what feels like defeat as we face the consequences of standing up to unjust authority. Hosanna – means, “Save us” Saved from what? Saved for...
MESSAGE – Fifth Sunday in Lent – A – 26 March 2023
Rev Tania writes: The readings for Lent 5 are a prophecy. In this last week of Lent, as we prepare to move into Holy Week, we are given a prophecy of the resurrection to come for Christ. But, before Jesus can get to the glory, there is a lot of suffering and sacrifice to be...
MESSAGE – Fourth Sunday in Lent – A – 19 March 2023
Blindness and sight, light and darkness, rejection of those in power and anointing of those who are unknown – these are the threads in the Lectionary readings of this week. The heart of the theme is this: how do we choose to see? Samuel is tempted to look at Jesse’s sons in an ordinary human...