Rev Tania writes:
Following on from last week’s focus on hospitality, the readings shift this week to Christ’s invitation, and our role in taking that invitation to the world. The challenge is that what is often thought of in terms of big words of ‘evangelism’, is, from this week’s readings, more about action and inclusion. The invitation of God, through Christ, to find intimacy, rest and liberation speaks through all of this week’s readings. In the continuous readings of the Old Testament, there is the theme of bride and groom finding love and comfort with each other, and the picture this offers of God’s love and welcome for God’s people. In the New Testament, Paul, while recognising the human problem of slavery to sin, recognises that Jesus is the one who brings relief and liberation. Finally, Jesus, while lamenting that some people will not or cannot receive him and his message, nevertheless invites any who are burdened to come to him. All of this makes it very clear that God longs for connection with us, and God is always available and accessible to those who need and want God. In addition, in this world where the effects of sin – injustice, slavery of all kinds, conflict and judgement – are widespread and bring devastation to so many, Christ comes as the one who seeks to bring relief – liberation, justice, peace and mercy. All of which leaves us with a choice: Will we accept Christ’s invitation and come to him to find life, or will we question the effectiveness of Christ’s message and presence, and seek to go our own way? It’s an important choice that every follower of Christ must make daily. May we find a welcome again in Christ, and the wisdom and courage to take that welcome out into our lives as we worship this week
Blessings as we seek to take, learn, live and be transformed by God’s reign in Christ. Rev Tania