March 11, 2024

MESSAGE – 10th March 2024 – Fourth Sunday in Lent B

MESSAGE – 10th March 2024 – Fourth Sunday in Lent B

MESSAGE 10th March – 4th Sunday in LENT – YEAR B

Numbers 21.4-9

The meaning of this reading is that God loves us and wants us to trust and obey him, even when we face difficulties and challenges in our lives. God does not abandon us, but provides a way for us to be healed and saved from our sins. The way he does this is by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for us and rose again. Jesus is the true and better bronze snake, who takes away the curse of sin and death from us.

Some ways we can apply the teachings of this reading in our lives are:

  • We can be honest and repentant when we complain or rebel against God, and ask for his forgiveness and mercy. We can also thank him for his provision and guidance in our journey.
  • We can look to Jesus as the source of our life and hope, and believe in him as our Savior and Lord. We can also share the good news of his love and salvation with others who need to hear it.
  • We can persevere in faith and obedience, even when we face hardships and temptations. We can also seek God’s help and strength, and rely on his promises and presence.


Ephesians 2:4-5

The meaning of this reading is that God is rich in mercy and loves us so much that he made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in our sins. God did this not because of anything we did, but because of his grace and kindness.

  • Some ways we can apply the teachings of this reading in our lives are:
  • We can praise and thank God for his mercy and love, and for giving us new life in Christ. We can also worship him with our whole hearts and lives, and not take his grace for granted.
  • We can remember that we are saved by grace through faith, and not by our own works or efforts. We can also trust in God’s power and promises, and not rely on our own strength or wisdom.
  • We can share the good news of God’s mercy and love with others, and invite them to experience his grace and salvation. We can also show mercy and love to others, and be kind and generous to them.


John 3.16-21

The meaning of this reading is that God loves the world so much that he sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again, so that whoever believes in him can have eternal life. God did not send Jesus to condemn the world, but to save it. However, many people reject Jesus and prefer to live in darkness, because they love their sins more than God. Those who believe in Jesus come to the light, and show that their deeds are done in God’s sight.


Some ways we can apply the teachings of this reading in our lives are:

  • We can thank God for his great love and grace, and praise him for sending Jesus to save us. We can also share the good news of God’s love with others, and invite them to believe in Jesus.
  • We can examine our hearts and lives, and confess and repent of any sins that keep us from God. We can also ask God to help us overcome temptation, and to live in his light and truth.
  • We can follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and obey his commands. We can also seek his will and guidance, and do good works that honour him and serve others.


God’s love is supernatural and surprising.

It is like a supernova, a powerful explosion of light and energy that outshines everything else in the sky.

God’s love is not based on our worthiness or performance, but on his own nature and purpose.

He loves us even when we are rebellious, ungrateful, and sinful.

He loves us so much that he gave his only Son to die for us and save us from eternal death.

This is the most amazing gift of love that anyone can ever receive.



God’s love is steadfast and enduring.

It is not fickle or conditional, but constant and faithful.

It does not change with our circumstances or feelings, but remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.

It is not limited by time or space but reaches to every corner of the world and every generation of history. It is not exhausted by our failures or needs, but overflows with grace and mercy.

His love endures forever, and nothing can separate us from it.



God’s love is transforming and empowering.

It is not just a sentiment or a doctrine, but a reality that changes our lives.

It gives us a new identity, a new purpose, and a new hope.

It makes us alive with Christ, who is the source of our life.

It frees us from the power of sin and death, and enables us to live for his glory.

It fills us with his Spirit, who guides us, teaches us, and helps us.

It equips us with his gifts, which we can use to serve him and others.

His love makes us more like him, and prepares us for his coming kingdom.