Cursillo Group Reunions
Cursillo Group Reunions
What is Cursillo? Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning ‘a short course in Christian Living’. Over a three-day weekend, participants, called Cursillistas, enjoy devotions, testimonies, talks, songs, prayer and quiet times, away from the busyness of their daily lives. Afterwards, Group Reunions bring together Cursillistas and others into small groups who support and encourage one another to “make a friend, be a friend, and bring a friend to Jesus”. All are welcome at group reunions, whether or not you have made your Cursillo.
A Group Reunion allows each person to explore these areas in their daily walk with Christ:
- PIETY: What has enriched my relationship with Christ?
- STUDY: What have I read, listened to, seen, studied or reflected upon?
- APOSTOLIC ACTION: Trusting God’s power, what is my action plan to serve Christ?
- PRAYER: A time of prayer based on what has been shared.
At the present time, there is one Cursillo Group Reunion gathering in the parish, but more would be very welcome:
- 2nd & 4th Tuesdayat 11.30am in St Peter’s Hall.
De Colores – may the colours of God’s love go with you!
Contact: Clare Reed (07) 5443 2133.