Caring Ministries
Nursing Home Visiting
We visit 7 Nursing Homes on the Sunshine Coast
The majority of the people in these Nursing Homes, if not all, have been part of a church family at some stage of their lives.
These visits are essential for their spiritual wellbeing and it is important for them to feel and know they are still a part of the family of God through Jesus, and always will be.
Communion Services held once a month, in Maroochydore and surrounds, are as follows:
Tantula Rise, Alexandra Headland | 1st Thursday at 10am |
Buderim Views, Buderim | 1st Thursday at 11am |
Regis, Kuluin | 2nd Thursday at 10am |
Estia, Maroochydore | 3rd Thursday at 10am |
Arcare, Maroochydore | 3rd Thursday at 11am |
St Vincent’s Care, Maroochydore | 4th Thursday at 10am |
Regis (Allora Gardens), Maroochydore | 4th Thursday at 11am |
These services are well attended and are enjoyed by the people at these facilities and by the volunteers who participate.
Contact: Rev Tania Eichler (07) 5443 2133.
Community Meal
On Wednesday nights commencing at 5pm in the hall we aim to show the love of Christ by providing a three-course home cooked meal to people who are homeless, disadvantaged or lonely. We also provide clothing and toiletries when needed. A few minutes each week is spent sharing from God’s Word.
Contact: Fay King (07) 5443 2133.
Weekly Prayer Meeting
Prayer is a very important part of our fellowship at St Peters. Prayer meetings are held in the church each Tuesday morning from 9am to 10am. We also have a Parish Prayer Diary where each parishioner is remembered in prayer once a month. A prayer chain for emergencies and a list inserted into each week’s Welcome Sheet covers those needing immediate support and those requiring ongoing support. To put someone on the prayer chain or in the Welcome Sheet lists, it is essential to obtain that person’s permission, or that of a close relative.
Contact: Doris Crerar (07) 5443 2133.
Hospital Visitation and Care
If you have a passion for caring for others, then consider coming to a Pastoral Care Team Meeting to discover more about who we are, what we do, and how we do it!
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 11am – after Wednesday Worship.
We try to care for all of our parishioners, as well as reaching out to those in the wider community. Pastoral home and hospital visiting occur as required. Parishioners who are unable to attend our church services share Holy Communion at home with members of our friendly team. Using a variety of appropriate cards, we aim to reach out to others through our ‘Encouragement with Cards’ Ministry.
Contact: Marie Flegler (07) 5443 2133.